Thank You Ma’Am Characterization Worksheet Answers

The Thank You Ma’am characterization worksheet answers provide an in-depth exploration of the characters in Langston Hughes’ classic short story. These answers delve into the physical, emotional, and social characteristics of Mrs. Jones and Roger, examining their actions, dialogue, and symbolism to reveal their complex and multifaceted personalities.

The worksheet explores the significance of Mrs. Jones as a mentor and guide to Roger, highlighting the transformative power of kindness and redemption. It also analyzes the themes of social inequality, hope, and the possibility of a better future, as portrayed through the characters and their interactions.

Characterization of Thank You Ma’am

Langston Hughes’ “Thank You Ma’am” presents a compelling characterization of Mrs. Jones, a complex and multifaceted figure who plays a transformative role in the life of Roger, a young boy.

Physical Appearance, Thank you ma’am characterization worksheet answers

Mrs. Jones is described as a large, middle-aged woman with a “heavy face” and “strong arms.” Her imposing physical presence reflects her strength and determination.

Personality Traits

Mrs. Jones’s actions and dialogue reveal her kind, generous, and determined nature. She takes pity on Roger despite his initial attempt to steal her purse, offering him food and shelter. Her determination is evident in her refusal to let Roger go hungry or steal from her again.

Mentor and Guide

Mrs. Jones serves as a mentor and guide to Roger, offering him guidance and support. She teaches him the importance of honesty, respect, and self-reliance.

Symbolism and Motifs in Thank You Ma’am

Stolen Purse and Its Return

The stolen purse symbolizes Roger’s desperation and the challenges he faces living in poverty. Its return symbolizes Mrs. Jones’s act of kindness and her belief in Roger’s potential for redemption.


The story’s setting in a poor neighborhood highlights the social inequality and economic hardships faced by those living in poverty.

Food and Eating

Food and eating symbolize nourishment and sustenance, both physical and emotional. Mrs. Jones’s offer of food to Roger represents her care and compassion.

Themes in Thank You Ma’am

Redemption and Kindness

The story explores the theme of redemption and the transformative power of kindness. Mrs. Jones’s act of kindness towards Roger gives him hope and inspires him to change his ways.

Social Inequality

The story also highlights the theme of social inequality and the challenges faced by those living in poverty. Roger’s desperation and his initial attempt to steal reflect the harsh realities of life in an impoverished neighborhood.

Hope and the Future

Despite the challenges, the story offers a message of hope and the possibility of a better future. Mrs. Jones’s belief in Roger and her act of kindness inspire him to dream of a better life.

Comparison of Mrs. Jones and Roger

Characteristic Mrs. Jones Roger
Age Middle-aged Young
Physical Appearance Large, heavy face, strong arms Small, thin, ragged clothes
Social Status Comfortable Poor
Personality Kind, generous, determined Desperate, rebellious
Motivation To help Roger To survive
Role in the Story Mentor and guide Protagonist

Historical and Cultural Context of Thank You Ma’am: Thank You Ma’am Characterization Worksheet Answers

Thank you ma'am characterization worksheet answers

The story is set during the Great Depression, a time of widespread poverty and economic hardship. The setting and characters reflect the social and economic realities of the time period.

The story’s themes of redemption, social inequality, and hope resonate with contemporary readers, who continue to face similar challenges today.

FAQ Corner

What is the significance of Mrs. Jones’ physical appearance in the story?

Mrs. Jones’ physical appearance, particularly her age and size, highlights her vulnerability and the contrast between her and Roger. It also symbolizes her strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

How does Roger’s character evolve throughout the story?

Roger initially appears as a hardened and desperate thief, but his encounter with Mrs. Jones challenges his assumptions and sets him on a path towards redemption. He gradually develops a sense of remorse and gratitude, leading to a change in his behavior and outlook.

What is the symbolic meaning of the stolen purse in the story?

The stolen purse represents Roger’s desperation and his willingness to resort to crime. Its return to Mrs. Jones symbolizes his transformation and the possibility of redemption, as he chooses to do the right thing despite his initial intentions.

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